Tuesday, September 25, 2007
PLN 1.5
What Matters:
As i read the blog i thought what matters from this post, and to myself i think that what matters in this blog is that teachers are willing to give students the opportunity and privilege to extend the students learning ability by letting them use computers. But what also matters in this blog is that if students aren't mature enough to use laptops or computers they shouldn't be given the chance to use them in the first place.
How it relates to our class:
This post relates to our class more than any other blog that i have read so far this year. This is mostly because we are also using e-mail and laptops in our class. But because we are older and more mature ( but not much more mature ) then the students in the original blog, we wont be using them inappropriately, and wasting the privilege to extend our learning ability by using laptops or computers in class.
Monday, September 17, 2007
PLN week 1.4
http://www.denverpost.com/ci_6972859?source=rssWhile reading the Denver Post blog, i came across a post called Old friendships stronger then nations anger. The article talked about how a teacher from the Peace Corps is teaching Iranian students how to speak English, and how he would like to re-unite Iran and the U.S.
This matters: This matters because it shows the world that the U.S. is more then just a physical country and can handle things in more of a peaceful way. Also it shows that the U.S. cares about the education other countries get. And if kids in countries like Iran or Iraq are getting better education, their education could help their country become a success.
This doesn't really relate to what we are doing in class. But if the kids in Iran or Iraq have better education and make their country more successful then they could make more money to be able to buy laptops and improve education even more.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
PLN week 1.1
What matters to me in this blog mostly is how it explains how teachers who don't know how to use technology is a bad thing and that those who dont are holding students back from learning so much more than they could from a book. This matters to me because it shows me how much technology has dramaticaly improved learing.
This realates to what we're doing in class more than anything. This is because in our classroom we use laptops to help us extend our knowledge and help us learn more. Also having a teacher that knows how to work a computer well really helps when every student in the class is using a computer.
This also relates to the world. The way it relates to the world is if your using computers all through school it will eventually lead to greater education, and if you don't it will be harder once you enter the real life. This is because if you get a job and you have to use a computer and you dont know how to use a computer you'll fall behind in work, and by that time there will be someone who knows how to do their job correctly and could take your job at anytime.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
PLN week 1.2
What Matters:
This article matters because it shows that we are trying to improve literacy rates in the United States.
How it matters to me:
This matters to me because its nice to know that our education is getting better in the US. Even though it has always been good, but now a days it's getting to be superb.
How it matters to the world:
This really matters to the world because with students becoming smarter that means that the future world will become better. This is because if people are smarter then there will b more people to invent new things that could revolutionize the future world.