Monday, October 1, 2007


While reading a blog called Is Payment for Good Grades Legitimate Motivation in This Day and Age? It asked if payment was good motivation for kids to work hard in school and get good grades. This is a good question, but i do think that it is great motivation, mainly because if it is going to get kids to try harder in school to get good grades then it should be perfectly fine. But what they do with the money is the only problem, I'm not going to go into detail but with the money they will earn could hurt them in the long run. Personally my parents don't pay me for my grades (they have only once, just to motivate me to get them better) and i wish they did not only for the money but for my GPA.

1 comment:

annes said...

Alex, good work on explaining your side but what does this mean in the bigger picture? Think out of the box. Expand your explanations.